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Copyright: Hamilton South Associates 2011-15 All Rights Reserved


Terms and Conditions

1. Definitions

"Visitor” means the user of the Content by way of accessing this website;

“Hamilton South Associates” is a trading name of Lakeland Films Limited Ltd Registered Office: Wey Court West, Union Road, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 7PT.  Registered in England, Company Number 2161627

"Content " information provided by Hamilton South Associates in this website.

"Permitted Use" means the use of the Product as set out in Clause 2.

2. Permitted Use

The Visitor to this website may use the Content for their own personal and / or business purposes subject to the condition that the Visitor will not sell any part of the Content to third parties; the Visitor will not distribute the Content to third parties for sale or resale in any form whether as part of a package or as a separate product; and will not rent, lease, sub-license or loan the Content to third parties.

3. Ownership

Hamilton South Associates shall at all times retain ownership of the Content.  Content is copyright Hamilton South Associates 2011-12 All Rights Reserved.

4. Content and Liability

4.1 Hamilton South Associates will use its best and reasonable endeavours to correct any defects in the Content in a timely manner.

4.2 Hamilton South Associates will not be liable for any loss of any kind including lost profits or other consequential losses arising from the Visitor’s use or inability to use the Content or from errors or deficiencies in any part of it except as expressly provided herein.

4.3 It remains the responsibility of the Visitor to ensure that information acquired as part of the Content is appropriate and complete in all respects for its intended purpose. Hamilton South Associates gives no warranty that such material will be fit for its intended purpose.

4.4 No liability shall attach to Hamilton South Associates, its employees, or retained consultants for loss or damage of any nature suffered as a result of the use of the Content or for any errors or omissions in the Content.

5. Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales. Any dispute relating to this Agreement shall fall within that jurisdiction